14 Epskih Avantura Na Otvorenom U Blizini Vancouvera - Matador Network

14 Epskih Avantura Na Otvorenom U Blizini Vancouvera - Matador Network
14 Epskih Avantura Na Otvorenom U Blizini Vancouvera - Matador Network

Parkovi + divljina

Up close, from the Crystal Hut
Up close, from the Crystal Hut

Usko, iz Kristalne kolibe.

Have a swim and hang out on one of the docks, surrounded by serene views on Cyrpus Lake
Have a swim and hang out on one of the docks, surrounded by serene views on Cyrpus Lake

Kupite se i družite se na jednom od pristaništa, okruženi spokojnim pogledom na jezero Cyrpus.

Shannon Falls Provincial Park is just south of Squamish, and is home to the third tallest waterfall in British Columbia, towering 335 meters high. It's surrounded by cliffs that are super fun for exploring, some great rock climbing, and forested trails with glorious ancient trees
Shannon Falls Provincial Park is just south of Squamish, and is home to the third tallest waterfall in British Columbia, towering 335 meters high. It's surrounded by cliffs that are super fun for exploring, some great rock climbing, and forested trails with glorious ancient trees

Provincijski park Shannon Falls južno je od Squamisha, a dom je trećeg najvišeg vodopada u Britanskoj Kolumbiji, visokog 335 metara. Okružen je liticama koje su super zabavne za istraživanje, odličnim penjanjem po stijenama i šumovitim stazama sa slavnim drevnim stablima.

Deep Cove Kajak centar

Sjeverni Vancouver, Kanada

Deep Cove je ulaz u zaštićene vode indijskog oružja idealno mjesto za kajak u Vancouveru. Ako ste ženska sorta, idite u četvrtak navečer u Deep Cove kajak centar za njihovu seriju veslanja „Wow“, zvanu žene na vodi. Radi cijelo ljeto i košta 28 dolara za dvosatno večernje veslo. Čaplje i tuljani uz put dodaju zabavi. Prethodno rezervirajte obavezno. Inače su kajaci dostupni po povoljnim satnicama. #kayak #ocean #wildlife

You definitely don't want to miss out on visiting The Spit in Squamish-it's a kite surfing paradise and was the highlight of my trip. You have to take bumpy, unmarked gravel roads to the tip of the estuary of the Howe Sound. Here you will find a unique and chill, surfy vibe with avid kiters, surrounded by insanely stunning views. I unexpectedly showed up there on contest day, perfect timing. I was in awe and watched them for hours-it was mesmerizing. There are a couple of kite schools where you can sign up for lessons
You definitely don't want to miss out on visiting The Spit in Squamish-it's a kite surfing paradise and was the highlight of my trip. You have to take bumpy, unmarked gravel roads to the tip of the estuary of the Howe Sound. Here you will find a unique and chill, surfy vibe with avid kiters, surrounded by insanely stunning views. I unexpectedly showed up there on contest day, perfect timing. I was in awe and watched them for hours-it was mesmerizing. There are a couple of kite schools where you can sign up for lessons

Definitivno ne želite propustiti posjetiti Spit u Squamishu - to je raj za zmajeve surlove i bio je vrhunac mog putovanja. Morate pokupiti neravne, neoznačene šljunčane ceste do vrha ušća Howe zvuka. Ovdje ćete pronaći jedinstvenu, hladnu, surfarsku atmosferu sa pohlepnim kitovima, okružen suludo fantastičnim pogledom. Neočekivano sam se pojavio tamo na dan natjecanja, savršen tajming. Bila sam u strahu i gledala sam ih satima - bilo je očaravajuće. Postoji nekoliko škola za zmajeve u kojima se možete prijaviti za nastavu.

The Spit, Squamish - up close
The Spit, Squamish - up close

Pljuvacka, skvoš - izbliza.

So many little freshwater lakes to choose from! When you come across one, get in there! Nothing better than a pool of chilled, mountain water. Just keep an eye out for bears.;)
So many little freshwater lakes to choose from! When you come across one, get in there! Nothing better than a pool of chilled, mountain water. Just keep an eye out for bears.;)

Toliko malih slatkovodnih jezera koje možete izabrati! Kad naiđete na jedan, uđite unutra! Ništa bolje od bazena ohlađene, planinske vode. Samo pazite na medvjede. ?

Irresistible mountain biking trails in Whistler, you'll be out until last light-there are endless trail systems to explore that range in all levels
Irresistible mountain biking trails in Whistler, you'll be out until last light-there are endless trail systems to explore that range in all levels

Neodoljive staze za brdski biciklizam u Whistleru, bit ćete napolju do posljednjeg svjetla - postoje beskrajni sustavi staza za istraživanje tog raspona na svim razinama.

Take the Sea To Sky Gondola up to the summit of Squamish where you can explore hiking trails, a suspension bridge and more. If you're feeling adventurous, hike the Stawamus Chief to the top.

Take the Sea To Sky Gondola up to the summit of Squamish where you can explore hiking trails, a suspension bridge and more. If you're feeling adventurous, hike the Stawamus Chief to the top.

Vozite se Sea Do Sky gondolom do vrha Squamish gdje možete istražiti planinarske staze, ovjesni most i još mnogo toga. Ako se osjećate avanturistički, pođite šefa Stawamusa do vrha.

Park plaže Locarno

Vancouver, Kanada

Jedna od mojih najdražih plaža u Vancouveru. Nije toliko gužva kao na nekim drugim gradskim plažama s prilično hladnom atmosferom i pogledom prema zapadnom Vancouveru i otoku Bowen. Odavde nekoliko sunčanih zalazaka ljeti. Postoji mala koncesija, kupaonice i tuševi. #plaža

The Sea-To-Sky Highway has some insanely gorgeous views, pull over and get out to breathe it all in. Just east of North Vancouver there are some lovely hiking trails in Lynn Canyon Park that lead to what's called the 30 Foot Pool. A rock heaven filled with clear, freezing water-jump in for a brisk awakening
The Sea-To-Sky Highway has some insanely gorgeous views, pull over and get out to breathe it all in. Just east of North Vancouver there are some lovely hiking trails in Lynn Canyon Park that lead to what's called the 30 Foot Pool. A rock heaven filled with clear, freezing water-jump in for a brisk awakening

Autocesta Sea-To-Sky ima nekoliko nevjerojatno prekrasnih pogleda, privucite se i izađite da biste sve to udahnuli. Samo istočno od sjevera Vancouver u parku Lynn Canyon nalaze se lijepe planinarske staze koje vode do onoga što se naziva 30-metarski bazen. Nebesko kamenje ispunjeno bistrom, smrzavajućom vodom - uskočite na brzo buđenje!

Kabinsko jezero

West Vancouver, Kanada

Kratko malo pješačenje od parkirališta Cypress Mountain. Dobro jezero za kupanje ljeti. Ako imate energije nastavite pješačiti do Eagle Bluffs za nevjerojatne panoramske poglede. #hiking # plivanje
