18 Trenutaka Svakog Ruksak Iskustva - Matador Network

18 Trenutaka Svakog Ruksak Iskustva - Matador Network
18 Trenutaka Svakog Ruksak Iskustva - Matador Network





1. Kada pronađete cijenu koju ste rezervirali, povisili ste se

guy reacts with the frustration of a man fighting off a face-hugger
guy reacts with the frustration of a man fighting off a face-hugger


2. Kad ljudi dovode u pitanje vaše motive putovanja

unfriend button
unfriend button


3. Kad ste u toj 18-satnoj vožnji autobusom

bored cat with nail file
bored cat with nail file


4. Kad vam drugi putnik kaže da je sljedeće mjesto na koje idete precijenjeno / preopasno / hromo / itd

lady who doesn't want to hear it
lady who doesn't want to hear it


5. Kad se dogodi da vam se putovanja od prije nekoliko tjedana dogodi da večeras odsjednete u svome hostelu

enthusiastic dancer
enthusiastic dancer


6. Kad budete previše mamurni napuštali hostel

puppy rolling in a metal bowl
puppy rolling in a metal bowl


7. Kad ste vrlo optimistični došli na novo mjesto, samo da saznate … bili ste u krivu

swimmer jumps into iced-over pool
swimmer jumps into iced-over pool


8. Kad shvatite da je posljednji autobus izvan grada otišao prije pet minuta i da se nasukate tri dana

dinosaur wearing flannel shirt drops can of pop
dinosaur wearing flannel shirt drops can of pop


9. Kad zapovijedate hostelom stereo

smug dude gestures at stereo presumably playing his awesome music selection
smug dude gestures at stereo presumably playing his awesome music selection


Više: Kakav je osjećaj studirati u inozemstvu

10. Kad vam je kućni pomoćnik previše pričljiv

cute dog hushes loquacious human couch-mate with paw
cute dog hushes loquacious human couch-mate with paw


11. Kad pokušate uvjeriti drugog putnika da ode do posljednjeg mjesta koje ste posjetili, jer je bilo tako OSEŽNO

frenzied seagull gives mermaid the Johnson Treatment
frenzied seagull gives mermaid the Johnson Treatment


12. Kad cijelo popodne pijete u zajedničkoj sobi i mislite da ćete to večeras stići u klub

sloppy drunk on plane professes readiness to parteeeeeey
sloppy drunk on plane professes readiness to parteeeeeey


13. Kad vaš hostel gleda zastrašujući film u TV sobi

youngsters in school uniforms get freaked out but can't look away
youngsters in school uniforms get freaked out but can't look away


14. Kad hostel ima besplatan doručak

a cat swipes the top pancake from a large stack
a cat swipes the top pancake from a large stack


15. Kada pokušavate provjeriti svoju e-poštu na inozemnom hostelu

humanoid in haz mat suit operates room-sized computer, shouts 'why don't shit work!?!'
humanoid in haz mat suit operates room-sized computer, shouts 'why don't shit work!?!'


16. Kad ste jedine dvije osobe u sobi s osam kreveta

ladies with fancy hair shimmy in unison
ladies with fancy hair shimmy in unison


17. Kad na vašem bankovnom računu piše da ste gotovo bez novca, ali preostaje vam još tri tjedna

fairy with crossed arms and closed eyes seems prepared to block out reality
fairy with crossed arms and closed eyes seems prepared to block out reality


18. Kad konačno pronađete svoj omiljeni obrok u inozemstvu

eater takes a bit of food and closes eyes with blissful smile
eater takes a bit of food and closes eyes with blissful smile

